Another year over and I swear the time gods have sped up the eternal clock…
Next book: The Glasgow Smile
Life is busy. I am now planning the publication of my second crime novel and am in the process of designing the front cover and writing the blurb. I am expecting the launch to be next April and I can’t wait.
Here is part of the draft blurb. I hope it gets you excited.
In a dark, grimy and graffiti-covered recess in one of Melbourne tangled inner city laneways, a woman is found murdered. “Why would anyone want to kill her, she was so ordinary” was the oft repeated phrase DI Robbie Gray heard when the name of the dead woman was announced. So why then, she asked herself, was the body found in such an extraordinary position, deliberately propped up with her face resting against the slashed red lips of Health Ledgers Joker, almost as if the portrait was alive.