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At last I have a new laptop……woohoo. I have been wanting a new one for ages and when my brother visited from the US and found me still using a Windows 7 he couldn’t believe it…and when he informed me that Windows 11 is the latest, I realised just how technically far behind the times I was. I need a laptop with large letters and without the numbers at the side and space for my fingers to spread. This is because my fingers no longer appreciate being cramped across ten inches like they have been for the past few years. Anyway, I have been having a hard time getting my head around all the program changes…I still don’t know where half my docs are and as for placing my entire work in the cloud….I am not sure I trust it. I keep thinking what power someone or some organisations would have if they controlled the cloud… would make a fascinating crime novel of epic proportions.

I am not going to write a single further word on my new novel, until I am really clear/sure on where my all folders are etc.. and I am confident. I have a huge fear of losing work and that for me would be an absolute disaster.

The good news is that the Melbourne Chapter of Sisters in Crime are helping me launch my book in Melbourne on the 8th November. Carmel Shute, the secretary had arranged for a coroner to interview me so I am thrilled…but a tad apprehensive if I get grilled too deeply over my forensic procedures.

Quite a few jobs this week to do. Arrange books to be sent over the Melbourne….and to tell myself to ignore the feelings of dread when I have the pay the exorbitant price of postage.  Then I am having the ladies over for bridge and dinner on Wednesday and then arranging author events in Wanaka and Queenstown for when I return from Melbourne.  As it is nearing Xmas, a fellow writer and I are setting up a stall at the local Market on Saturdays henceforth and then I am preparing for the Sydney and the BAD festival..but news of that event in the next blog.


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