Its a beautful day outside. From my writing window I look across the Tasman Bay…
New year, new opportunities
It’s been a while since I last wrote..on this website, because I have been busy working on a new novel. It is going to take some time as its complicated and as a “pantser” i am never entirely sure where the plot is heading or what the characters are trying to do. I made a decision last year that, at my age, I want to experiment with my writing and to try new things, challenge myself in this wonderful craft, rather than writing to be commercially successful. The next book could be spectaculary good or hopelessly bad.
I sometimes wonder why I go down the hard route….but thats me. My brother said that I was a person who was always pushing the envelope…and I suppose I am. I am also trying this time to create more of a balance in my life…I tend to get obsessed with writing and can find myself unaware that hours have passed by and I havent noticed. I am now getting up regulalry…taking the dogs for long walks. When I read of famous authors like Hemmingway, I sometimes wish I could live on a tropical island…wakeup and drink,,,party hard with famous friends… know the kind of thing i mean…reallty get immersed in your craft where it becomes your life….not good for longevity..but quite a ride.