Its a beautful day outside. From my writing window I look across the Tasman Bay…
Xmas Missive
Another year over and I swear the time gods have sped up the eternal clock because as far
as I am concerned this year has either simply evaporated, or the scientists are keeping vital
secrets from us. Quite frankly, I have been left reeling at the pace. The beautiful wrought
iron gates of the crematorium down the road seem to loom closer than ever.
When I was a child, I used to think the crematorium was the entrance portal to hell, its real
intent disguised by the devil. As a consequence, I decided I wanted to be buried, much
more chance of going skywards and I’d always wanted to fly and fancied having a pair of
wings. For some strange reason I was lured to the local one last week when I walked
Boswell, my dog. We wandered around the graves and monuments, reading about love and
loss, ( Bos didn’t, he just sniffed) but I thought about the importance of being a human and
how transient everything is.. I thought about mum and other people I and friends have
recently lost and that is what I love most about consciousness, you just need to close your
eyes and you see them just as real as if they were standing in front of you. The older I get
the more I value and appreciate people who have me in their life as a friend.
I have had a lot of visitors this year and two long term German Interns. The year began with
the arrival of a very old friend I knew from my Oman days. He’s a widow from UK and we
went all around the south island. Even though he was ex-navy. He loved the overnight
sailing into Doubtful sound and the jet boat ride in Queenstown. We had so many laughs,
but he wishes they would cut down all the vegetation at the side of all NZ roads so he can
take better photographs.
It’s been great having these young German girls and watching them transition from school
girls into the kind of strong women they will become. I have them here while their “training
wheels” are on, and its rather emotional having to say goodbye as I get rather close to them.
I have been writing ..and had been working on two novels, but at the moment am focusing
on one. This unusual state of affairs came about because the first book ( A) had to be put
on hold after a year ( if I told you why It would ruin the plot) so I began another. ( B)
.worked on that but couldn’t get the first (A) out of my head…then it became apparent that
circumstances had changed and I could continue with A…so here I am. The arthritis in my
hands hasn’t helped …some of my fingers are so bent and warped that I am always hitting
the key next to the one I intended….I wear a brace on one hand…it does help. I am not
going to mention the other aches and pains associated with age….but I do want to let you all
know that in my head, I am still young and motivated and excited and passionate about the
future. Sometimes I am so full of enthusiasm that I want to jump in the air and yell for joy,
then I forget my legs don’t feel the same and I trip over even the lowest fence and do a face
plant. It’s a sobering reminder, but I am grateful for what is.
Next year I have booked a cruise..a small ship to go to Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria…Malta
and Corsica..places I haven’t been able to get to as yet. I also have a desire to go to the
outer Hebrides..funnily enough none of my English friends are interested in joining
me..saying its too cold. Maybe I will have to think of somewhere else.
I hope this wee missive finds you all well and happy and wrenching every ounce out of life.
May 2025 be a year where you are at peace and hopefully the world is as well.
Love and hugs
Chris xxxxx